Headquarter addresses
Flughafenstrasse 124
D-90411 Nuremberg
Phone: +49-911-36009-0
Telefax: +49-911-36009-59
E-mail info@fai.ag
Managing Directors
Director Operations
Martin Muehlmeyer
Director Sales / Marketing
Volker Lemke
24/7 operation
Phone: +49-911-36009-222/-444
E-Mail: ops@fai.ag
24/7 Charter-team
Phone: +49-911-36009-333
Telefax: +49-911-36009-373
E-Mail: charter@fai.ag
Aircraft sales acquisition, lease and management
Phone: +49-911-36009-375
Telefax: +49-911-36009-5375
E-Mail: jetsales@fai.ag
Data protection officer
E-Mail: dsb@fai.ag
24/7 operation
Phone: +49-911-36009-222/-444
E-Mail: ops@fai.ag
Safety of Medical Products
E-Mail: medizinproduktesicherheit@fai.ag
Data protection officer
E-Mail: dsb@fai.ag
24/7 AOG-hotline
Phone: +49-911-36009-429
Telefax: +49-911-36009-56
E-Mail: aog-hotline@fai.ag
Data protection officer
E-Mail: dsb@fai.ag
United Arab Emirates
Office 3204, X2 Tower
Jumeirah Lake Towers
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971-4-452-2422
Telefax: +971-4-360-7212
E-Mail: dubai@fai.ag
Managing Director
Barbara Baumgartner
Data protection officer
E-Mail: dsb@fai.ag
Human rights risks, human rights violations, the violation of environmental obligations, economic crimes and other illegal business practices are extremely damaging for those affected, the FAI Aviation Group and society. Your report can help to discover risks and detect misconduct, put an end to it and prevent damage to our company.
Electronic Whistleblowing System
With the help of our electronic whistleblowing system you can easily, safely and if you wish anonymously report an incident. The system enables you to send encrypted and secure messages to the FAI Aviation Group Internal Reporting Centre.
Please use the following link https://fai.hintbox.de
By telephone +49-911-36009-251