We know how to take care of your health!
Prevent the potential exposure by avoiding busy airport terminals and crowded flights. Flying on a private jet will facilitate social distancing while traveling to a minimum.
FAI has been closely monitoring the evolution of the CoViD-19 outbreak from the outset in December 2019, and has been providing regular updates since January 2020 on our capabilities for our clients from around the world.
Being a market leader for international ambulance and medevac flights, FAI has an unmatched inhouse medical competency and is used to take a lot of importance on hygienic conditions on board of our fleet.
We know how to take care of your health!
Our dedicated teams are working 24/7 with authorities and experts to update standards and adapt procedures accordingly. For any further information, we are happy to answer all your questions.
Aircraft Disinfection
To avoid a nosocomial infection, we use Saniswiss Technology and Products for disinfection inside our aircraft.
Founded in Geneva, Saniswiss develops hand-in-hand with the best experts of the global health industry. Surrounded by a unique eco-system composed of the World Health Organisation and the Biotech Valley, Saniswiss has been able to always bring the most advanced technologies to fit the challenges of tomorrow and has established itself after 12 years as a competent partner to fight against after HAIs, cross-infections, and sustainable hygiene in 83 countries.
With Saniswiss we are using sustainable and solutions (highest biodegradability) for the benefit of the health of the users (no CLP hazardous goods symbols). With this clean technology, we also achieve the highest efficacy to ensure state-of-the art hygiene standards to protect our passengers and crew.
Portable Biosanitizer
The company Saniswiss has developed a small, portable biosanitizer in cooperation with our medical department. After an reaction time of 30 minutes only, all surfaces of the aircraft cabin, which are accessible by air, will be disinfected and hygienically clean.
The technology achieves a 6-log reduction (lethality of 99,9999%) against multiple pathogens various studies made by independent laboratories showed the proven efficiency.
Passenger Safety
If a medical emergency would arise during a flight, our crew, is trained annually in extended first aid measures, will contact MedAire’s MedLink emergency response center for treatment advice and follow recommendations.
MedAire is a hospital based medical advisory which is contracted to provide 24/7 In-flight Tele-medical support in the event of a medical emergency on ground or inflight. MedAire physicians are familiar with of the medical equipment on-board and understand the constraints associated with the aircraft cabin.
Universal Precaution Kit
Each FAI aircraft is equipped with a Universal Precaution Kit (UPK). Such kits provide the necessary equipment to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
The items contained in the UPK meet the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) and IATA/EASA recommendations for personal protection safety measures onboard of an aircraft.
Air Ambulance News
FAI reports steady 2024 revenues and advances fleet renewal
FAI Aviation Group, one of the world’s leading global providers of mission-critical aviation services, announces consolidated group revenues of €130M in 2024. This matches the group’s revenues achieved in 2023. FAI continues its fleet renewal [...]
FAI named ‘Most innovative Air Ambulance Service’ at the Middle East Aviation Business Awards 2024
FAI rent-a-jet GmbH, Germany’s leading global provider of mission-critical aviation services, was named as the ‘Most Innovative Air Ambulance Service’ at the Middle East Aviation Business Awards 2024 on 12 December, coinciding with the [...]
FAI nominated for ITIJ Air Ambulance Award 2024
The Air Ambulance Division of German Special Mission Operator FAI rent-a-jet GmbH, has been nominated as one of three finalists in the Air Ambulance category of the International Travel & Health Insurance Journal (ITIJ) [...]